
Een groepsreis door de indrukwekkende landschappen van Bali

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Groepsreis Bali

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Sustainability Level: 🌱🌱🌱🌱

Sustainability Level: 🌱🌱🌱🌱

For years, the Canoe Trip team has been organizing unforgettable canoe adventures, offering everyone the chance to experience an exciting break in nature. That’s why we’ve carefully selected the most stunning locations for an incredible three- or seven-day canoe trip through Sweden's lakes and forests.

In 2017, the first Canoe Trip took place—a success story that has since become a much-anticipated summer tradition, full of excitement and adventure.

Recently, we’ve introduced shorter canoe trips, perfect for anyone traveling through Scandinavia who wants to take a quick, refreshing break in nature!

Meet the experts




Want to join the team?

Footprint score

To be as transparant as possible about our impact, a footprint score has been calculated for each of our trips. There are six badges, each representing a criterion of environmental or social sustainability.

Footprint level

How to calculate this?

Based on this criterion, we assess the impact of a trip in terms of environmental and social sustainability.

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